Space Frames

Space frames or space structures are an innovative form of steel construction for six decades.They are double layered grids, excellent in appearance with large column free spaces. All type of elegant shape could be made by these systems using variety of grids. Two – way actions of space frames provide both of economy and enormous spanning capability/ design flexibility.This beautiful light weight rigid ceiling structure is constructed from interlocking solid rods in a geometric pattern. Space frames usually utilize a multidirectional span, and are often used to accomplish long spans with few supports.

  • High rigidity and stiffness
  • Fixed over any span, allows flexibility in design and reduction of columns
  • Weight per unit area is less and gives a pleasant outlook
  • Element are demountable and re-usable
  • Gives realistic design at affordable rates
  • Warehouses, factories, aircraft hanger, stadium sports arena&large span roofing
  • Ball joint type
  • Disc joint type
  • Welded joint type

26/3 Koyappathodi Compound
Near Kallai bridge,
Kallai po, Calicut 3

04952326008 | +91 9995030303